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Endless Fun for every Kid!

Where Kids' Imaginations Soar High!

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Safe, Hygienic Play Space!

A Clean, Secure Environment where Kids can Play Freely!

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Avail our Exclusive Membership!

Enjoy Tailored Perks, Special Discounts, and Priority Access.


Welcome to KidTopia!

A safe and secured, hygienic, clean and green indoor playground for kids between 2-8 years of age! From interactive play zones to themed parties, like Spiderman or Frozen (Anna, Elsa, Olaf), indoor sliders, Kids theatre and supermarket, hospital playhouse, indoor carousels, our indoor kids play area is designed to spark creativity and ensure endless fun for your tiny tots.

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Open Play

Schedule Open Play for your kids at any time of the day or week without any hassle. Prebook from our Open Play page.

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Host as many Events you want for your kids. From "Theme-based" Events, to Holiday Events, KidTopia has got you covered!

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Throw exciting Birthday Parties, Gender Reveals, Baby Showers, Private Parties, and many more at our 5000 sq. ft. family-friendly play center.

Wonder How KidTopia Looks Like?

A safe and secured, hygienic, clean and green indoor playground for kids.

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Host unforgettable celebrations in our facility!

Our kids indoor play area is the perfect venue for all kinds of events combining fun and celebration. Whether it’s a birthday bash or a unique family gathering, we’ve got the space and activities to host tailored parties for children and make every event unforgettable.


Kids Birthday Parties


Gender Reveal Parties


Kids Graduation Parties


Holiday Parties


Themed Parties


Baby Showers


Kids Surpirse Parties


Meet & Greet Parties


Family Reunions


No matter the occasion, KidTopia offers the perfect space to create lasting memories for both kids and adults alike!